Thursday, 22 September 2011

City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Art Prize 2011

The City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Art Prize 2011 runs from 9 September - 2 October. Cindy Poole entered two pieces, "Headframe" and "The Face" - Superpit.

"The Face" - Superpit
City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Art Prize 2011
"The Face" - Superpit
City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Art Prize 2011
"The Face" piece was an extension of the Vertical Fusing techniques where the mentee was able to work independently on the complete process.

"The Face" - Superpit
City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Art Prize 2011

Dialogue between mentee and mentor occurred throughout the design & production process, however mentee was able to apply the techniques independently in her own studio.

City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Art Prize 2011
The production of the "Headframe" piece involved incorporating digital technology to create a vinyl resist for sandblasting.

City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Art Prize 2011

"Headframe" and "The Face" on show at the Kalgoorlie Town Hall exhibition.
City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Art Prize 2011

The 2011 Esperance Biennial Art Awards

The 2011 Esperance Biennial Art Awards ran from 18 August – 11 September. Cindy Poole entered two pieces, "Paddocks" and "Windfarm", her entry "Paddocks" won the Rural Award. 

Winner of the 2011 Esperance Biennial Art Awards - Rural Award.
Photograph courtesy of Dan Paris.
Entry in Esperance Biennial Art Awards.
This piece incorporated techniques of sandblasting, felt moulding, hole drilling and multiple layer exposing.
Photograph  courtesy of Dan Paris.

Visit to Buderim, June 2011

Appointment with Maureen Cahill - life member of Ausglass and owner of Glass Artist's Gallery, Sydney.
At Shar's studio with friend and world renowned glass artist Richard Clements, and wife Wendy.

Cindy and Shar during visit to Mentor's studio in Buderim.

Cindy and Shar during visit to Buderim.